MyBible: Jewel Box of the Word in Practice Excerpt from the Preface This book is the result of one believer’s encounter with the Word of God and the creation of MyBible as a collection of the Word of God. Encouraged and supported by the Word of God, this book is a compilation of the practical contents of MyBible (Jewel Box of the Word of God), MyBible II (Jewel Box of the Word of God), and MyBible III (Autonomous Person), which were greatly revised from the first edition. The book is unique in that it is divided into 33 subheadings so that you can unpack the biblical words you need in your daily life and walk of faith.
1 God | 18 Teachings of the Load |
2 Commandments and Rule | 19 Trial and Perseverance |
3 Crimes | 20 Fear |
4 The Holy Spirit | 21 Thoughts and concerns |
5 Love | 22 Sadness |
6 Bible | 23 Doubt hesitation |
7 Hear the Voice of the Lord | 24 When you’re tired |
8 God’s Kingdom | 25 Disappointment or despair |
9 Salvation | 26 Daily Progress |
10 Valuable things | 27 Families |
11 True Happiness | 28 Fellowship with people |
12 Praise | 29 Churches |
13 Obedience | 30 Faith Life |
14 Humility | 31 Missions |
15 Miracles | 32 Revelation |
16 Thanks | 33 Prayer |
17 Hope |
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■MyBible Practical Edition II
A was reorganized into four items, namely, the way of the heart, the way of the word, the way of action, and the way of prayer, in accordance with the content to imitate Christ. New items were added to this to simplify the entire book of words by making it simpler. This has made the content of the word practices more specific, clearer, and easier to understand.
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Excerpt from the preface of “MyBible IV: Let the Word of God Keep You Alive” I believe that MyBible IV (Let the Word of God Keep You Alive), which was produced this time, is a collection of testimonies of the lives of people from different denominations (Protestant, Catholic, and other denominations) and the lives of saints, and that through encounters with others, we can seek unity in the midst of diversity. I believe that through encounters with others, we can seek unity in the midst of diversity. I hope that this book will advance this thought, and at the same time, I sincerely hope that it will serve as a reference for many people on how to lead a life of faith.
March 15, 2018 Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo Archbishop Kikuchi Isao
The Word of God that captured my heart” Pastor Hiroshi Seo, who has delivered 300 baptized and 30 vocation candidates to the world. Thank You for My Life,” in which he wrote the Heart Sutra every day of his life. The “Mother’s Prayer,” on the secret of prayer to be heard by the Lord Testimonies by many others [Introduction of Saints and Religious] St. Francis, Franciscan Order St. Ignatius de Loyola, Jesuits St. Dominic, Sisters of the Order of St. Dominic St. Francis of Assisi, Franciscans St. Ignatius de Loyola, Jesuits St. Dominic, Missionary Sisters of St. Dominic [Special Program Carmelite Scapulario, Prayer of the Rosary, Afterlife
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Excerpt from the preface of “MyBible V: Let the Word Live” The theme of MyBible V (Let the Word Live) is the same as MyBible IV (Let the Word Live), which was published in the last issue of the magazine, and it includes testimonies of lives lived by people of different denominations (Protestant, Catholic, and other denominations), introductions to congregations and monasteries, and special projects. MyBible V (Living by the Word), like MyBible IV (Living by the Word), will feature testimonies of the lives of people from different denominations (Protestant, Catholic, and other), introductions to congregations and monasteries, and special projects. The content of the testimonies seems to be even more substantial than the last time. Through this testimony, we can learn about the faith that others have walked in, and we can share it. Through these efforts, we hope that through this, we will develop into a fellowship of praying and supporting each.
May 15, 2019 Archbishop Kikuchi, Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo Isao
The Gift of the Lord,” Takuya Shimamura’s recovery from autonomic nervous system disorder, “The Zen of Tea in Europe,” his teaching Zen at a Catholic monastery in Germany, “It is for the Glory of God,” his survival from repeated surgeries, “The Father’s Prayer,” the voice of God heard from his father, and many more. The Gift of the Lord,” his recovery from autonomic nervous system disorder “The Zen of Tea in Europe,” teaching Zen at a Catholic monastery in Germany “For the Glory of God,” his survival from repeated surgeries “The Father’s Prayer,” the voice of God heard from his father, and many others. Testimonies from many others [Introduction of the congregation] Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of the Lighthouse, Nagasaki Redemptorist Congregation of Nagasaki [Special Program] Knowing God through the Body Scientists who had an encounter with God Invitation to Mass
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Excerpt from the Preface to “MyBible VI: Let the Word Live” It is a great honor for the Vatican to publish MyBible VI to commemorate Pope Francis’ visit to Japan for the first time in 38 years. It is truly a great honor that MyBible VI has been published to commemorate Pope Francis’ first visit to Japan in 38 years from the Roman Curia (Vatican). In the first part of MyBible VI, it is a testimony of the lives walked by Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox, and even in the midst of diversity, there seems to be something to learn. The introduction to the monastery introduces the Society, which is celebrating its 800th anniversary, and provides a good opportunity to learn about how it was born, where it has been, and where it will go in the future. The special program deals with death. I am familiar with the content of this article because I was involved in the beatification of the 53 martyrs of the Yonezawa clan.
May 15, 2019 Archbishop Kikuchi, Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo Isao
Testimonies】 “Father in Heaven,” devoted to the Father to the end, leading to baptism “Obedience of Faith,” a life of faith to the end “A Life Dedicated to the Lord,” choosing the path of missionary work, resigning from the Society’s ministry “Guarded by the Lord” The Lord never leaves or forsakes, but always protects. Missionary Sisters of Peris and Merses, Society of the Nuns of St. Mary of the Angels [Special Program] 53 Martyrs of the Yonezawa Clan Daily life at the end of life
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Excerpt from the preface of “MyBibleⅦ Living the Word” This edition of MyBibleⅦ (Living the Word) is composed of Proverbs, the Book of Wisdom, the Book of Sylla, and Psalms. This compilation of the Word of God is compact and summarized for real-life use, and we encourage you to take this opportunity to experience the original Word of God.
October 1, 2020 Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo Archbishop Kikuchi Isao
Proverbs] A collection of sayings from the Bible, obtaining wisdom from God is the best asset Proverbs of the heart, Proverbs of the word, Proverbs of action, Proverbs of prayer. Wisdom is the spirit. On those who hum the Word of God
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